Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Called to Forgive and Give Grace

Tonight, we were blessed to have Shelly Beach speak with us about "Care taking". Shelly is the author of 3 books, Precious Lord, Take My Hand, Abundance Grace, and her Christy Award winning book, Hallie's Heart.

Shelly shared her stories about caring for her family; her father-in-law and her parents, struggling with OCD, Alzheimer's and dementia. She shared with us what she learned during the process of caring for her family in her home.

The heart of care giving is to be the heart of Jesus to others.

Jesus was a caregiver in all his ministry. We can classify care giving as being based on a motive and that motive is love. Jesus is our example.

Jesus tended, administered and healed. Jesus spent time privately praying. Jesus spent time with friends praying. Jesus publicly gave thanks and reflected glory to God. Jesus faced crisis with calm assurance. Jesus is our example.

Our ultimate source of strength is who you are in Jesus Christ.

Thank you Shelly for coming to share your story with us.

No Club Mom and Girlfriends next week. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I like how you be

Shame...not something we want to admit we deal with in our lives. We keep it hidden. We deal with it in the dark, alone. Until now.

Alison Hodges came to speak at our group tonight to talk to us about Shame.

As women, we feel shame and we feel alone. We may have a bad day and yell at the kids, or our husbands. We may feel bad about that day, ask for forgiveness but deep down we feel shame because it's not just a bad day, it's who we think we are.

Alison encouraged us to "say no to Shame". She told us to find out what triggers shame in our lives, to practice critical awareness, and reaching out to the community by finding safe people in your life.

She shared a story about her neice writing a note to her that said "I like how you be". She told us that's how God sees us...He loves how we are no matter what...he likes how we be.

She encouraged us to have personal acceptance of the forgiveness of our sins when we ask God to forgive us. God grace is enough.

Join us next week as we hear Shelly Beach talk about "Caregiving:Blooming and Thriving when you're waist deep in weeds."

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Tending to your family

Tonight we had Pastor Rich talk to us about taking care of our parents. Statistically speaking, many of us will be taking care of our aging parents in one way or another: financially, emotionally, physically. Pastor Rich talked to us about what the Bible tells us about caring for our parents. The 6th commandment tells us to "Honor our father and mother" in Exodus 20:12. Ephesians 6:1-2 tells us to honor and obey our parents.

He gave us some very practical advice on how to deal with our aging parents. He encouraged us to have "the talk" with them--not "the talk" they had with us about the birds and the bees but "the talk" about finances, wills and living wills.

He encouraged us to show them respect, to honor them and most of all, be patient. As our parents age, we need to be patient with them as they were patient with us once upon a time when we learned to tie our shoes, potty train or ride a bike!

**A huge thank you to the sacred dancers who performed their dance for us this evening. What a special treat to see the dance before they perform for the congregation!