Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Keeping the Christ in Christmas

Tonight Pastor Rich set the tone for the rest of our December as he read aloud Luke 1:5-56-the amazing story of the birth of Christ. He also gave us 20 ways to help us stay focused on keeping Christ as the center of our celebrations.

1. Keep a relationship going with Christ all year round
2. Attend church all four Sundays of Advent as well as Christmas Eve.
3. Say "Merry Christmas" and refuse to say "Happy Holidays"
4. Send Christmas cards with a religious message.
5. Listen to religious Christmas music
6. Give God one very special gift just from you to him...spending more time with him, forgiving, etc.
7. Read the Christmas story in Luke-Luke 1:5-56 and 2:1-20.
8. Set up a Nativity scene in your home.
9. Write a Christmas letter to a missionary.
10. Give a gift of service to your family.
11. Plan some good will..adopt a family.
12. Schedule movie night with your family-watch an old classic Christmas movie
13. Make a family advent wreath, lighting one candle each week until Christmas and then lighting the Christ candle Christmas morning.
14. Bake a cake for Baby Jesus and sing "Happy Birthday" on Christmas morning.
15. Make a "Jesse Tree" celebrating the lineage of Jesus.
16. Collect change and donate to Salvation Army ringers on your way to church Christmas Eve.
17 Buy Candy Canes to give away with the story of Jesus: His shed blood and how our sins becomes white as snow.
18. Display several ornaments that are part of the Christmas story and retell the story as they are hung.
19. Invite a guest for your Christmas dinner.
20. Don't end Christmas on Christmas day. Remember, there are "12 days of Christmas" so party on until Jan 5!!!!!!!

Enjoy your time together as families and keep the reason for Christmas in perspective.


See you next week for the Cookie Exchange.