Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Keeping the Christ in Christmas

Tonight Pastor Rich set the tone for the rest of our December as he read aloud Luke 1:5-56-the amazing story of the birth of Christ. He also gave us 20 ways to help us stay focused on keeping Christ as the center of our celebrations.

1. Keep a relationship going with Christ all year round
2. Attend church all four Sundays of Advent as well as Christmas Eve.
3. Say "Merry Christmas" and refuse to say "Happy Holidays"
4. Send Christmas cards with a religious message.
5. Listen to religious Christmas music
6. Give God one very special gift just from you to him...spending more time with him, forgiving, etc.
7. Read the Christmas story in Luke-Luke 1:5-56 and 2:1-20.
8. Set up a Nativity scene in your home.
9. Write a Christmas letter to a missionary.
10. Give a gift of service to your family.
11. Plan some good will..adopt a family.
12. Schedule movie night with your family-watch an old classic Christmas movie
13. Make a family advent wreath, lighting one candle each week until Christmas and then lighting the Christ candle Christmas morning.
14. Bake a cake for Baby Jesus and sing "Happy Birthday" on Christmas morning.
15. Make a "Jesse Tree" celebrating the lineage of Jesus.
16. Collect change and donate to Salvation Army ringers on your way to church Christmas Eve.
17 Buy Candy Canes to give away with the story of Jesus: His shed blood and how our sins becomes white as snow.
18. Display several ornaments that are part of the Christmas story and retell the story as they are hung.
19. Invite a guest for your Christmas dinner.
20. Don't end Christmas on Christmas day. Remember, there are "12 days of Christmas" so party on until Jan 5!!!!!!!

Enjoy your time together as families and keep the reason for Christmas in perspective.


See you next week for the Cookie Exchange.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Called to Forgive and Give Grace

Tonight, we were blessed to have Shelly Beach speak with us about "Care taking". Shelly is the author of 3 books, Precious Lord, Take My Hand, Abundance Grace, and her Christy Award winning book, Hallie's Heart.

Shelly shared her stories about caring for her family; her father-in-law and her parents, struggling with OCD, Alzheimer's and dementia. She shared with us what she learned during the process of caring for her family in her home.

The heart of care giving is to be the heart of Jesus to others.

Jesus was a caregiver in all his ministry. We can classify care giving as being based on a motive and that motive is love. Jesus is our example.

Jesus tended, administered and healed. Jesus spent time privately praying. Jesus spent time with friends praying. Jesus publicly gave thanks and reflected glory to God. Jesus faced crisis with calm assurance. Jesus is our example.

Our ultimate source of strength is who you are in Jesus Christ.

Thank you Shelly for coming to share your story with us.

No Club Mom and Girlfriends next week. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I like how you be

Shame...not something we want to admit we deal with in our lives. We keep it hidden. We deal with it in the dark, alone. Until now.

Alison Hodges came to speak at our group tonight to talk to us about Shame.

As women, we feel shame and we feel alone. We may have a bad day and yell at the kids, or our husbands. We may feel bad about that day, ask for forgiveness but deep down we feel shame because it's not just a bad day, it's who we think we are.

Alison encouraged us to "say no to Shame". She told us to find out what triggers shame in our lives, to practice critical awareness, and reaching out to the community by finding safe people in your life.

She shared a story about her neice writing a note to her that said "I like how you be". She told us that's how God sees us...He loves how we are no matter what...he likes how we be.

She encouraged us to have personal acceptance of the forgiveness of our sins when we ask God to forgive us. God grace is enough.

Join us next week as we hear Shelly Beach talk about "Caregiving:Blooming and Thriving when you're waist deep in weeds."

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Tending to your family

Tonight we had Pastor Rich talk to us about taking care of our parents. Statistically speaking, many of us will be taking care of our aging parents in one way or another: financially, emotionally, physically. Pastor Rich talked to us about what the Bible tells us about caring for our parents. The 6th commandment tells us to "Honor our father and mother" in Exodus 20:12. Ephesians 6:1-2 tells us to honor and obey our parents.

He gave us some very practical advice on how to deal with our aging parents. He encouraged us to have "the talk" with them--not "the talk" they had with us about the birds and the bees but "the talk" about finances, wills and living wills.

He encouraged us to show them respect, to honor them and most of all, be patient. As our parents age, we need to be patient with them as they were patient with us once upon a time when we learned to tie our shoes, potty train or ride a bike!

**A huge thank you to the sacred dancers who performed their dance for us this evening. What a special treat to see the dance before they perform for the congregation!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The grass is always greener...where you water and fertilize

One of my very favorite speakers came to Club Mom and Girlfriends tonight: Karen Ehman. Karen is a writer and speaker from St. Johns. I love having her come to our group!!

Tonight, she spoke to us about her own Extreme Makeover in which she lost over 100 lbs--you go girl--by more exercise and less eating, but in the process, realized that God gave her a make-over of the heart.

So much of her life, she always thought life was greener in someone else's yard...her neighbor who only had one child compared to her three, or her friend who just got a new car...when in reality, God taught her that comparison is the killer of contentment.

She realized that when she stopped comparing her life to others, and worked on enjoying her life and her family, that she was very happy with her not so perfect family God gave her and that God gave her the husband and children she had to help shape her into who God planned her to be.

She encouraged us to let go of bitter feelings we may have towards others in our past, to shower them in kindness.

She left us with the thought "Being a genuine you is better than being a cheap imitation of someone else."

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Everyone has the ability to be creative!

Don Perini came from Cornerstone University to talk to us about "How to develop a Creative Life." He told us that everyone had the ability to be creative. We were made by a creative God. Our Father had an idea to create the world and since we are made in His image, we are creative and can come up with ideas.

He gave us 10 places that most people have creative ideas:
10) Taking a shower
9) Driving
8) Sitting on the toilet
7) Falling asleep or waking up
6) During a boring meeting
5) Reading
4) Exercising
3) Waking up in the middle of the night
2) Listening to a church sermon
1) Manual Labor

During these times, our brain is in an Alpha state and we are able to organize our thoughts and that is when our most creative thoughts happen. He challenged us to think about when our best creative time is and to be intentional about using that time to capture our thoughts.

He talked about how God's son, Jesus came to earth from heaven...this was an activity and when we have a creative idea, we need to see an idea come to fruition. He encouraged us to look at our environment where we are creative, to change routines, let an idea "marinate", observe, brainstorm, make a prodotype and implent our ideas.

He encouraged us to not just have 10-20 ideas but go beyond that and have 100 ideas!

He then went to talk about how the Holy Spirit gave us power and how we can use our ideas in a powerful way.

Thank you, Don for encouraging us to dig into our creative side and bringing it out in a purposeful way to glorify God.

Make plans to bring a friend next week as we listen to Karen Ehman talk about Contentment.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

No Soup for you!

Tonight we had a wonderful speaker, Lorilee Cracker. She talked to us about Maternal Gatekeeping, which means when we need help, we don't allow our husbands to help us because we don't like the way they do it and we constantly correct or nag.

She compared our controlling ways of wanting things done just so to the Soup Nazi on Seinfeld. But when we are so controlling, we don't allow our husbands to be who they are and be a true partner in our marriage.

She gave us 3 ways to open the Maternal Gate and let our husbands be a true partner:
1) Quit hogging and hovering: We have a system of how we do things and just because we have found a way that works best for us, that does not mean we need to hover over our husbands and take things away from them because we think we can do it better.
2) Watch how we ask for help: Not making a honey do list or be condesending but ask for help using encouraging words. For example, "I would consider it the best thing in the world if you would..."
3) Your husband has something for your kids that you don't: Let Dad be Dad

She encouraged us to let go of the little things like wiping the counter or picking up the toys to see the big picture of allowing valuable time your husband is spending with you or your children.

Thank you so much, Lorilee!

Next week, we look forward to hearing Don Perini talk to us about "How to Develop a Creative Life"

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Layettes anyone??

What a fun evening we had putting together layettes for Lansing Christian Services/Love INC. These layettes will be given to women in the hospital after they have a baby. The layettes included a beautiful blanket, a book, a sleeper, a onesie, and socks.

The ladies at Club Mom and Girlfriends worked hard together to make 22 complete layettes and 9 that need one or two items to make them complete. What a blessing it is to work with generous women of this group who brought in the supplies for the layettes, worked to put them together and took time out of their night to pray for a fellow Club Mommer.

We are praying for Sandi Shults who received word today that the medicine she has been taking is not working to help her and she will soon be put on the list for a lung transplant. We are praying for her during this frustrating time.

May God bless each and every woman who is part of Club Mom and Girlfriends.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Tending the Garden of Self

Tonight we had our first Bible Study/Pastor Rich talk. Pastor Rich talked to us about gardening. He gave us four elemental steps to gardening and compared them to taking care of our selves:
1) Preparing the soil: We need to turn over the soil and make it receptive to seed--we need to not have a hard heart. We need to pick out the rocks--look at people in our life who we may need to remove. We need to Spray with weed killer--Get rid of bad habits in our life.
2) Planting the seed: Choose the seed wisely--choose what you put into your mind through books, movies and TV. Fertilize liberally--Using the word of God . Water abundantly--Give lots of time to develop a relationship with Christ.
3) Tending the garden: Watch-be on guard, be alert, weeds will come back. Weed--Bad company corrupts good character. Wait-Patience is part of tending our lives
4) Harvest: You will receive more than what you put in. You will receive enough for yourself. You will receive plenty to share.

Our memory work for the week is Galatians 6:7 "Do not be deveived: God cannot be mocked. A woman reaps what she sows."

We look forward to next week when we will be putting together Layettes for Lansing Christian Services. We are still in need of infant socks, sleepers and bibs.

See you next week!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Got Oxygen?

Last night we had Cynthia Beach speak for us on Leisure Wellness. She asked us if we were sitting on a plane and we had a child next to us and the oxygen masks came down, whose mask would we put on first? We answered "Ours because then we would be able to take care of the child." She agreed and then asked if we take time for ourselves to rest and relax so we can take care of our families or others in our life.

She described Leisure Wellness as "a prescription for re-invigorating one's leisure hours with passion and purpose." She asked us to resist feeling guilty about doing nothing during free time. When was the last time you had a few minutes to yourself and you did nothing? Try it, it may adjust how the rest of your day goes. No chores, no phone calls, no bill paying, no e-mail answering.

She encouraged us to think about things we may have always dreamed of doing and make a list of those. Then, think about the ones that are an Involved Practice in which would take several steps to accomplish, like her trip to Florida to swim with the Manatee's. Then think about ones that are a Simple Practice that may take one step to accomplish like having a date at the coffee shop with a friend. Choose one and make an effort to do it!

She gave us a lot to think about and so many ideas of how we can take time for ourselves. Choose not to feel guilty when you choose rest.

Next week, we'll have Pastor Rich talk about "Tending to Yourself" and we'll have some discussion time as well. See you next week!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Committed, Courageous, Character

Tonight we heard Debbie McCort's testimony. Her Kidney donor, Sharon, was also there tonight. Deb was told by her Dr. that she had a kidney disease and that she would need a kidney transplant in 10-15 years. When those years quickly passed, and it was time for her to find a donor, her brother volunteered and went through extensive testing and was O.K. until the last test and was told his life would be in danger if he donated so they had to start all over.

Even though Deb's health was deteriorating, her small group at church was encouraging her and praying for her and getting tested to see if they would be a candidate for donating a kidney. The whole church was informed of the search as well as praying for her and for the donation process.

Behind the scenes, her long-time school friend, Sharon, told Deb when she first heard of the kidney disease, that she would donate her kidney to Deb. When the time came, through the grace of God, Sharon had the courage to go through the testing, be approved, pick the date for the surgery, call the office and by the grace of God that date was available for the surgery.

The surgery went so well for them both that Sharon went home after 24 hrs after the surgery with a 2 inch scar by her belly button and two holes on her stomach. Debbie was in the hospital for 5 days but felt much better after day 2!

Through the process, the character of these two women showed us all that "we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us." Phil 4:13

Join us next week as Cythia Beach joins us to talk about "Self Care"

Ladies, remember to work on our "quick meals"--ways to save money on at home dinners rather than going out for fast food meals.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Our First Night Back!

Check out these beautiful flowers!!! We had a wonderful 1st night back at Club Mom and Girlfriends. Welcome back to our old timers and a huge welcome to our newcomers!!

We are really looking forward to an exciting year getting to know everyone and hearing the speakers tell us how we can better "tend to the flowers in our garden of life"!

As you can see, we made a beautiful wall filled with beautiful flowers! Each women who attended made a flower which had their name on the circle in the center and each petal represented one of the 6 subjects we'll be touching on each month and how they can better tend to them. Our petals were "Yourself", "Your Extended Family", "Your Children", "Your Marriage", "Your Relationship with God" and "Your Friendships".

Each woman shared how they wanted to improve on these over the next few months and we look forward to seeing each woman blossom and grow as they continue to attend Club Mom and Girlfriends.

Join us next week when we hear Debbie McCort's testimony! I can't wait!!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Countdown...20 days until Club Mom and Girlfriends Start again!!


There is only 20 days left until Club Mom and Girlfriends start again on Sept 10! As you can see, we changed the name to include all women and we are looking forward to a wonderful year filled with incredible speakers, crafts, mission projects and some in depth Bible Study with Pastor Rich.

Just a reminder: We meet Wednesday's, September through April from 6:15-7:30p.m. Our schedule will be posted soon. Invite your girlfriends to join you in an evening of fun, laughter, and encouragement.

See you soon!!!