We took our flowers off the wall tonight...the flowers that we worked on the first week of Club Mom and Girlfriends! We each had 6 petals and on each petal, we wrote down what we wanted to work on throughout the year. The 6 petals were: YOURSELF, EXTENDED FAMILY, CHILDREN, YOUR MARRIAGE, YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH CHRIST, and FRIENDSHIPS.
Some of us looked back on what we wrote and were surprised that we actually did work on what we had written down. Others saw that they still needed to work on these petals of our lives. We learned a lot this year, we laughed, we cried and most of all, we grew closer in our relationship to our Lord and Savior and to each other.
I thank God for each and every woman who stepped foot in the door of Club Mom and Girlfriends and I pray we touched their life in a way they will never forget.
We look forward to seeing you all back next year!