Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A mess in your life means there's a mess in your mind!

We watched section three of Joyce Meyer's DVD Battlefield of the Mind called What would Jesus think?

When we have a mess in our life, it is most likely because we have mess in our mind. She encouraged us to know God's word and to wear it on your heart because where the mind goes, the heart will follow.

She told us we can choose our own thinking and we need to be careful about how we're thinking about yourself. Ephesians 4:23 tells us "to be made new in the attitude of your mind." EVERYDAY we need to renew our minds.

We need to "have the mind of Christ" (I Cor 2:16) so we'll need to SLOW DOWN and ask ourselves "what would Jesus do in this situation?" We need to choose to line our thoughts and behaviors with the Holy Spirit, dying to self.

We should train our mind to stay focused, quit worrying, and clothe ourselves in His Righteousness.

What a wonderful series this has been...a good way to start the year--with a new mindset...a mind set on using God's word to shape and mold our thoughts and actions so we can be more Christlike.

Join us next week to paint pottery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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