Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Tonight we had a very special speaker, Carol Faas. She is a servant of Christ who is currently serving at a small church in Grand Rapids. She came to talk to us about Love and how we should do everything in love.

The church teaches love but do they really show it? How can we show love?

She talked to us about how we can react when people "attack" us. All words said to us can be seen as information and we can choose what to do with that information.

We can choose to walk away, knowing the attack with words was not intended to hurt us.

We can choose to receive the information, hear it and be done with it.

Or we can choose to hear the information and process it and accept it. We can confess and repent and look for ways to correct.

Words have power

We can use them to hurt or heal...what are you going to choose?

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