Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Everyone has the ability to be creative!

Don Perini came from Cornerstone University to talk to us about "How to develop a Creative Life." He told us that everyone had the ability to be creative. We were made by a creative God. Our Father had an idea to create the world and since we are made in His image, we are creative and can come up with ideas.

He gave us 10 places that most people have creative ideas:
10) Taking a shower
9) Driving
8) Sitting on the toilet
7) Falling asleep or waking up
6) During a boring meeting
5) Reading
4) Exercising
3) Waking up in the middle of the night
2) Listening to a church sermon
1) Manual Labor

During these times, our brain is in an Alpha state and we are able to organize our thoughts and that is when our most creative thoughts happen. He challenged us to think about when our best creative time is and to be intentional about using that time to capture our thoughts.

He talked about how God's son, Jesus came to earth from heaven...this was an activity and when we have a creative idea, we need to see an idea come to fruition. He encouraged us to look at our environment where we are creative, to change routines, let an idea "marinate", observe, brainstorm, make a prodotype and implent our ideas.

He encouraged us to not just have 10-20 ideas but go beyond that and have 100 ideas!

He then went to talk about how the Holy Spirit gave us power and how we can use our ideas in a powerful way.

Thank you, Don for encouraging us to dig into our creative side and bringing it out in a purposeful way to glorify God.

Make plans to bring a friend next week as we listen to Karen Ehman talk about Contentment.

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