Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Healing a Wounded Heart

Tonight we heard Ken Davis talk about how hearing "I love you" can heal a wounded heart. He told us that following rules does not make you a good Christian but loving one another is the true way to act Christ like.

Sometimes we get twisted in what Christianity is really all about. God tells us if you really wannt to show people you're a follower of Christ you need to love one another. The human soul needs to be loved.

Each one of us have a wounded heart and that would wound can be healed just a little when we hear someone say "I love you." A husband, a wife, a child, a parent, a friend...they can all benefit from hearing you say "I love you". We are all desperate for love.

Sometimes we try to heal the wound in our heart with things, homes, cars. We make mental lists of what we've accomplished and perhaps that will help heal the wound. But wounds cannot be healed without love.

Sometimes we expect from others only what God can provide. A wound can only be healed completely when we stand before God, naked, all our sins revealed, when we understand that we need a personal relationship with God.

When we know we're loved, our wounds are healed.

What a wonderful message to hear. Jesus can heal our wounds, and through that healing, we can be an ointment to help heal someone else's wounded heart.

Next week, we'll be putting together bags to give to EVE, women's shelter. We'd love to have you join us!

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