Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Taking a Walk with Deborah

Tonight, we started our first Bible Study out of the book A Mile in Her Shoes and we discussed Deborah. In the book of Judges, we read the story of Deborah who was a Judge. She was a woman who rose up in oppressive times, she was connected to God, she was flexible, she was able to work with the opposite gender in a time where that was not the norm, she was an encourager and she was grateful to God for her victories.

As a woman who rose up in oppressive times, she demonstrated how we can take the negative situations in our lives and use them to propel rather than sink us. The author tells us that we have the God-given ability to lead others, or maybe yourself, out of a bad situation.

As a woman who is connected with God, she showed us that we too must be connected to God if we want to hear God's instructions for us. Not only did Deborah hear, but she responded with obedience.

As a woman who is flexible, she showed us that change can catch us off guard sometimes, and change has the ability to knock us off balance. Our relationship with God gives us the needed stability.

As a woman who was forced to work with the opposite sex in an environment that is not the norm, she showed us that when life places us in circumstances requiring teamwork, it is vital to rely on God.

As a woman who encouraged, she showed us that there is amazing power in the gift of encouragement. God has designed your circle of influence to include people who only you can reach so we should make it a priority to learn how to encourage others.

As a woman who is grateful for her victories, she showed us that being grateful to God reflects how we feel about God. God expects thankfulness from us.

We had some wonderful discussions on what a great example Deborah is to all of us as women leaders.

Join us next week as we hear Noreen from Refuntion Junktion.

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